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AI Talks

Join us on 2nd Thursday of every month online or in-person

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AI Talks - Exemplar Systems - Power of AI to increase course completion rates in Australia

AI Talks - Exemplar Systems - Power of AI to increase course completion rates in Australia

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AI Talks - Blockers to AI Adoption

AI Talks - Blockers to AI Adoption

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AI Talks - Smarter Decisions, Faster using Berrijam AI

AI Talks - Smarter Decisions, Faster using Berrijam AI

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About AI Talks

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The focus of AI Talks 2024 is YOU!!! 


AI is changing the world. How can AI reshape YOUR industry landscape and YOUR position in it? How can AI be a game changer for YOUR unique business? How can AI help in understanding YOUR customer's needs and behavior? and many more...

Come join the discussion and drive the conversation,​

Accessibility matters, which is why "AI Talks" are hybrid, so you are not limited by geography.​

Register HERE and join us in person at CBRIN offices

Online via video conferencing -

Upcoming Talks

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May 9, 2024, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM AEST 

Topic:  Innovative Applications of AI

Speaker: Avishkar Misra, CEO Berrijam

Abstract:  In 2023, Berrijam proudly launched the "Berrijam Jam," an exciting machine learning competition aimed at harnessing top talent and pioneering minds in field of artificial intelligence. Berrijam Jam was held in collaboration with students from UNSW, who were challenged to tackle novel and complex predictive or analytical problems using machine learning. With 18 teams comprising 170 dedicated students, the competition was a resounding success.
This month's AI Talks, hosted by Berrijam, will explore the diverse and groundbreaking AI applications developed by the talented UNSW students. 
Are you curious if your business could benefit from these innovations? Discover the possibilities at this month's AI Talks.

Register HERE and join us in person at CBRIN offices

Online via video conferencing -

Recent Talks

The recent talks are available on Berrijam's YouTube Channel (@Berrijam) 

Apr 11, 2024, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM AEST
 AI is accelerating the need for digital skills. Cybercy is designed for just that. [Watch Here ]
Speaker: Glenn Welby, Cybercy
Abstract: Cybercy can help individuals and organisations acquire the digital skills necessary to survive and thrive in the rapidly evolving online world. We will introduce topics such as Digital Use, Identity, Safety and Security in a way that relates to your every digital action. Once we understand how we can take personal ownership of our actions to help keep us safer online, we will explore Digital Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Literacy and Rights in a way that empowers us to thrive in the online world.


Mar 14, 2024, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM AEST

Topic: Enhancing Apprenticeship Completion Rates through Data-Driven Interventions [ Watch Here ]

Speaker: Zul Al-Kabir, CTO, Exemplar Systems
This talk explores how Exemplar Systems is addressing the challenge of apprenticeship completion by leveraging data science techniques to support training organisations. They discuss their approach to harnessing insights from their data corpus to develop an AI model that aids in identifying students at risk of discontinuing their training. This model enables Training Organisations to proactively engage with students, offering the necessary support to enhance their chances of completion. By sharing their experiences and findings, Exemplar aims to contribute to the broader conversation on improving apprenticeship completion rates and addressing skills shortages in Australia.


Feb 08, 2024, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM AEST

Title: Roadblocks to AI Adoption and how can we address them  [ Watch Here ]
Abstract: In our February AI Talks session, we delved into the critical challenges that hinder the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The discussion fostered an insightful exchange of ideas, identifying several key barriers that SMEs face when integrating AI into their operations. By exploring these obstacles, we aimed to shed light on the complexities of AI adoption and foster a deeper understanding of how to overcome these challenges to unlock the full potential of AI for SMEs


Nov 09, 2023, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM AEST

Title: Smarter Decisions, Faster using Berrijam AI  [ Watch Here ]

Speaker: Dr. Avishkar Misra
Abstract:AI is changing the world, and organizations that successfully incorporate AI tools and capabilities have a strategic advantage. Yet cultivating the right mindsets, strategies and empowering teams to use AI for better decisions faster takes work. Having built, launched and guided many of the globally leading organizations to adopt AI s
uccessfully, Dr Avishkar (Avi) Misra will demonstrate how Berrijam AI empowers you to make smarter decisions faster.

Oct 12, 2023, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM AEST

Title: Using AI to identify risk in Supply Chain Management  [ Watch Here ]

Speaker: Dr. Hamed Aboutourab, MBA
Abstract: In the realm of supply chain management, seamless
operations hinge on effective risk management. Dr. Aboutourab delves into the pivotal initial phase of risk management: risk identification. Traditionally, a labor-intensive and time-consuming endeavor, we will understand into how state-of-the-art artificial intelligence techniques are reshaping this process and elevating the efficiency and efficacy of supply chain operations. 


Sept 14, 2023, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM AEST

Title: Generative AI - Its potential and pitfalls  [ Watch Here ]

Speaker: Dr. Avishkar Misra
Abstract: Generative AI has 'generated' (pun intended) a lot of excitement and apprehension. But what is Generative AI, and how does it complement other AI techniques? What are its possibilities and limitations? In this session, we'll walk through some of the fundamentals of AI, where Gen
erative AI fits, applications and risks around using Generative AI effectively.


Aug 9, 2023, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM AEST

Title: Success with AI in Retail, Lumber, Movies and more. [ Watch Here ]

Speaker: Dr. Avishkar Misra
Abstract: What do a retail store, lumber producer, and video streaming have in common? All three use AI to enhance customer experience and grow their revenues. Irrespective of the industry and domain, certain mindsets and behaviours are crucial to success with AI. In this talk, Dr Avishkar Misra will share the lessons that have led to success with specific real-world examples from AmazonGo, a lumber producer & Amazon Prime Video.

Frequently asked questions

Share your thoughts & ideas

If you are interested in hearing about a topic or presenting a topic yourself, please let us know. We are keen on ensuring that AI Talks cover the areas that are interesting to you.

Thanks for submitting!

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